BPAC is a registered corporation through the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006. BPAC have six Directors forming their Board, with wide-ranging skills and experience in Governance, community engagement, fiscal management, and Aboriginal Caring for Country.

Lurlene Henderson
Chairperson, Lurlene Henderson: Lurl is a Kabbi Kabbi Elder, who has been involved with reviving Aboriginal connections to the Bunya Mountains since 2008. Lurl has been a key member of the Bunya Mountains Elders Council and is the current Chair of the Bunya Peoples’ Aboriginal Corporation. Lurl is also the Secretary and Treasurer for the Lonweigh Aboriginal Corporation, a Director on the Fitzroy Basin Association, member of USQ Elders and Valued Persons Advisory Board, and has held a Director role representing the Aboriginal sector for the Burnett Mary Regional Group. Lurl has demonstrated strong commitment and drive to ensure Aboriginal aspirations for caring for country business is a high priority throughout the region
![Wayne Fossey (2)[1]](
Wayne Fossey
Vice-Chair, Wayne Fossey: Wayne is an experienced Principal, Teacher, Educator with a strong background in Environmental Research. Wayne has been involved in research into Learning Communities across Aboriginal and TI communities throughout Australia with responsibilities for community consultation and Professional Development packages for both Primary and Secondary school sites. Wayne is a liaison with communities, government and non-government organizations regarding educational issues and community based solutions across education, justice, culture and historical processes. Wayne is also a member of the USQ Elders and Valued Persons Advisory Board.

Selina Hill
Selina is a Wakka Wakka woman from Gayndah. She has been an Indigenous board representative at local, regional and State levels, and is a founding member of the Bunya vision and BPAC journey.
I believe that the key to preserving cultural integrity is to think strategically and advocate formidably. My Bunya dream began with respecting our Old Peoples respect to empower our tribal links, our song-lines and acknowledge our warriors whom fought the fights to give us the rights and freedoms we enjoy today. So why then are First Nation voices still fighting for cultural recognition, cultural change and cultural inclusion?
The time for change is upon us. My focus will be in bringing conversations back to communities to see how we as BPAC may better support opening windows of opportunities for our mobs looking after Country, our story-lines and ourselves.

Stephen Passmore
Born Barcaldine 1970. I am a Wakka Wakka/Bidjara man who is passionate about helping my people thrive in modern Australia. I have worked in Indigneous based industries for about ten years off and on in various roles. I worked on the Railway around Australia for over 15 years starting our as a labourer and finishing as a Track Machine Operator. I am proud to sit on the BPAC board and strive to uplift my people and maintain the land.
BPAC have nine full time staff, with strong skills, qualifications, and experience within the fields of: Environmental Sciences; Conservation and Land Management; Project Management; Business Management; and Community Engagement. This ensures high quality, value-for-money delivery of BPAC’s services and programs.

General Manager
Paul Dawson
Paul has 20 years’ experience working with Aboriginal communities to re-establish custodial roles for country. Paul has led the delivery of Aboriginal caring for country programs in Tasmania and throughout the Burnett and Mary catchment areas. Paul has a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, and a range of qualifications in Program development and management, and group facilitation.

SHANNON BAUWENS Coordinator (Darling Downs Team)
Shannon Bauwens
An experienced cultural heritage practitioner and tribal custodian of the Wakka Wakka, I aspire to see the resurrection of cultural practice to facilitate and support unity amongst all people to “Heal country and strengthen song lines”. I want to share our story to create inspiration & appreciation, forming the desire to conserve our old ways in the management country which promotes the protection of all facets in nature; to which we all belong.

Administrative/Finance Officer
Bianca Beattie
Bianca is a Wakka Wakka woman, and a Tribal custodian at Gummingurru. She spent her young childhood growing up on the sacred site and learning about her culture. She loves working on country and learning about the land and environment. Bianca enjoys traditional knowledge and loves sharing that knowledge where possible.

Communications & Engagement Officer
Chantelle Mickelo
